select a.bo_table, a.wr_id, b.bo_subject from g5_board_new a, g5_board b where a.bo_table = b.bo_table and b.bo_use_search = 1 and find_in_set(a.bo_table, 'free,humor,review1,adult') and a.wr_parent = a.wr_id and find_in_set(a.mb_id, 'admin,cfadmin')=0 order by a.bn_id desc limit 0, 5
select a.bo_table, a.wr_id, b.bo_subject from g5_board_new a, g5_board b where a.bo_table = b.bo_table and b.bo_use_search = 1 and a.wr_parent <> a.wr_id and find_in_set(a.mb_id, 'admin,cfadmin')=0 order by a.bn_id desc limit 0, 5